My parent needs a hip replacement: common questions answered

Is your parent getting ready to undergo hip replacement surgery to help ease hip pain and improve their quality of life?
Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about caring for mum or dad through the process.
How can I help my parent prepare for hip replacement surgery?
It is important that your parent prepares both his/her body and mind for the surgery ahead. Relaxing and distracting activities, such as listening to music and spending time with friends and family, can help ease nerves.
Helping your parent to prepare their home for recovery by removing obstacles and creating a comfortable space for them to rest can also build his/her confidence.
Will my parent need to make any changes to his/her lifestyle ahead of surgery?
The surgeon may advise your parent to stop taking some medications and to lose weight in the lead up to the surgery. Following the surgeon’s advice will help the surgery and recovery go much more smoothly. The best thing you can do to help is to support your parent and even lead a healthier lifestyle with him/her.
Will my parent be in pain?
While the surgery itself won’t cause pain, your parent is going to be uncomfortable after surgery. As the caregiver, you will need to advocate on behalf of your parent’s needs and ensure he/she is as comfortable as possible during recovery.
Will my parent be able to be at home during recovery?
The answer to this question really depends on your parent. You parent will be required to rest and will have a range of exercises that he/she will need to perform regularly to get the artificial hip moving and to promote recovery. The vast majority of patients go home from hospital four or five days following the surgery. Your parent should be able to get in and out of a chair or bed independently and walk with crutches or a small frame by the time they go home. They will be given exercises to do and will continue to recover at home.
If you can support your mum or dad by providing meals, helping with their daily needs and ensuring they are performing their exercises regularly and correctly, this will help your parent to be able to return home soon after surgery.
How long will recovery take?
Usually your parent won’t spend more than three to five days in hospital. Full recovery post-surgery can take between three to six months, depending on your parent’s overall health and the success of his/her rehabilitation.
Hip replacements are becoming more and more commonplace, with technologies like robotic-assisted surgery helping to improve accuracy and success dramatically.
Dr Stuart MacKenzie is one of the top orthopaedic surgeons in Newcastle and the Hunter and has extensive experience helping people to get moving again through robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery.
1 Nov 2017
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