What is a meniscus tear?

Depositphotos 215381730 l 2015
Amongst injuries to the knee joint, a meniscus tear is one of the most common.Any activity that requires forced twisting or rotation to the knee can lead to a torn meniscus. It is also often associate...
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10 frequently asked questions about knee replacement surgery

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Do you need a knee replacement? Chances are you have a few questions about what you can expect from knee replacement surgery and from your recovery.Here are some of the common questions that people as...
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How to prepare for your first consultation ahead of surgery

Depositphotos 12822844 l 2015
Meeting with your surgeon for the first time to discuss your condition and treatment options can be scary, particularly if you’ve never had surgery before.Preparing ahead of your first consultation...
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How to help someone who is experiencing depression after surgery

Depositphotos 232741562 l 2015
Many people experience feelings of depression after surgery, no matter how small or large the operation is. Surprisingly, feelings of hopelessness and sadness are not uncommon in patients who have had...
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10 common questions answered about Hip Replacements

Depositphotos 12823338 l 2015
If you are having a hip replacement, you probably have a few questions about what you can expect from the surgery and rehabilitation. Here are answers to some of the common questions that patients ask...
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5 ways to prepare for recovery from knee replacement surgery

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During your recovery at home after a partial, double or single knee replacement, you will need to be careful with your treated knee/s by avoiding any movements that place stress on it or them.These fi...
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