Double knee surgery versus single knee surgery – which is best for me?

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If knee pain or problems in both your knees is interfering with your wellbeing and participation in the activities you love, you might be recommended to undergo surgery for the replacement of both kne...
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Would you trust a robot to perform your knee or hip replacement?

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Robots have radically changed the way that delicate operations, like knee or hip replacements, can be performed.In fact, research shows that robotic-assisted surgery offers more accuracy beyond tradit...
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How to calm your nerves before knee replacement surgery

How to calm your nerves before knee replacement surgery
It’s not unusual to feel fear or anxiety about your upcoming robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery. No matter the benefits and pain relief that the procedure may bring, any type of surgery can c...
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What is a meniscus tear?

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Amongst injuries to the knee joint, a meniscus tear is one of the most common.Any activity that requires forced twisting or rotation to the knee can lead to a torn meniscus. It is also often associate...
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Playing Sports After Knee Surgery

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Many patients facing knee replacement surgery are curious about getting back into sport and the activities they can do during and after their recovery period. If you are thinking the same thing, the g...
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Should I Wear a Knee Brace After ACL Surgery?

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After anterior cruciate ligament or ACL surgery, your reconstructed ligament will take some time to heal. During this healing process some doctors may encourage the use of a knee brace to help protect...
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What is Unicompartmental Knee Replacement?

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If your knee has been damaged by arthritis and the pain, instability or stiffness are having serious effects on your daily activities, surgery is often the next consideration you need to make. There a...
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ACL Surgery Recovery Exercises

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Your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) surgery may have slowed you down, but one of the best ways to get back on that field, court or track is to get moving again. Of course, this movement would involv...
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10 frequently asked questions about knee replacement surgery

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Do you need a knee replacement? Chances are you have a few questions about what you can expect from knee replacement surgery and from your recovery.Here are some of the common questions that people as...
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Why are women more prone to ACL injuries?

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Worldwide studies have shown that female athletes have a significantly higher rate of ACL injuries than their male counterparts. In fact, some studies have shown that women are two to four times more...
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Here’s what you need to know about revision hip replacement surgery

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Total hip replacement is a common surgical treatment solution for people experiencing hip pain and immobility. Many elderly patients who receive a hip replacement retain that prosthesis for life. Some...
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10 frequently asked questions about knee replacement surgery

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Do you need a knee replacement? Chances are you have a few questions about what you can expect from knee replacement surgery and from your recovery.Here are some of the common questions that people as...
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What happens during knee arthroscopy surgery?

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An arthroscopy is a type of minimally invasive keyhole surgery which allows your surgeon to view your knee joint by making only 2 small incisions in your skin.During an arthroscopy, your surgeon will...
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How to prepare for your first consultation ahead of surgery

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Meeting with your surgeon for the first time to discuss your condition and treatment options can be scary, particularly if you’ve never had surgery before.Preparing ahead of your first consultation...
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How to help someone who is experiencing depression after surgery

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Many people experience feelings of depression after surgery, no matter how small or large the operation is. Surprisingly, feelings of hopelessness and sadness are not uncommon in patients who have had...
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10 common questions answered about Hip Replacements

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If you are having a hip replacement, you probably have a few questions about what you can expect from the surgery and rehabilitation. Here are answers to some of the common questions that patients ask...
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Surviving Christmas: safety tips for minimising hip and knee injuries

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The festive season is a fun time of celebrations with family and friends. With decorating to be done, Christmas tree toppers to arrange and plenty of food preparation and cleaning required to get read...
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What NOT to do after a hip replacement

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After you have had a hip replacement, you might expect that your life will be very similar to what it was prior to surgery, just without the pain. While in many ways you are right, it does take time t...
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12 days of ACL recovery tips

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With Christmas in the air, Nan’s secret fruit pudding on our minds and the Christmas tree sitting in the loungeroom corner, we thought we’d take advantage of the festive spirit to help break down...
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The top 4 mistakes to avoid after an ACL injury

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Many people who tear the ACL in their knee say that it starts with a surprisingly loud pop. Similar to the snapping of a rubber band.This is usually followed by swelling and pain in the knee. If there...
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5 tips on caring for a loved one after a hip replacement

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If a loved one has had a hip replacement, you’ll no doubt want to lend a hand to make their recovery easier and as pain-free as possible. From facilitating medical appointments to providing emotiona...
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How to get a good nights sleep after an ACL surgery

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There are many ways surgery can help change someone’s life after an ACL tear. While the surgery can help get you moving again, the healing and rehabilitation process takes time.Sleep is an important...
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What NOT to do after ACL surgery

What NOT to do after ACL surgery
Recovering from an ACL reconstruction takes time. Your surgeon will take you through the rehabilitation process and the steps you should follow to ensure your ACL treatment is successful.But did you k...
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The best sleeping positions after a hip replacement

The best sleeping positions for hip replacement
After you have a hip replacement, there are a few precautions you will need to take to ensure your hip is able to heal and so you don’t experience any post-surgery complications. One of the things y...
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New Blog PostHow do my hip joints work?

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You’ve probably heard the common rhyme - “the thigh bone is connected to the hip bone, the hip bone is connected to the back bone…”While the rhyme is certainly catchy, it doesn’t give the hi...
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Is a knee replacement right for me?

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If you are struggling to do the things you love due to pain in your knee, you might need to consider a knee replacement to get you moving again. A knee replacement can be used to treat degeneration du...
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New Blog Robotic technology helps get people with knee pain moving againPost

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The fascination that humans have with robots dates back many, many years. Today, robots are helping people to perform daily tasks more easily, providing assistance to the elderly, driving vehicles and...
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5 common mistakes to avoid after hip replacement surgery

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Australians love to lead active lifestyles. So it is no wonder that many people feel eager to return to their previous activities, sports and hobbies after hip replacement surgery.However, while you m...
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What exercises can I do after a hip replacement?

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If you have had a hip replacement or are considering one to ease your hip pain, you might be wondering what’s next? When can I return to an active lifestyle and what activities can I do after hip re...
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How do my knees work?

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The knee is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. Yet many people don’t appreciate the significant role it has in helping us to do the things we love.The knee is a hinge, weight-be...
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How can I prevent an ACL tear?

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No matter whether you are a weekend or professional athlete, you probably don’t want to find yourself out of the game due to an ACL tear.While it is difficult to avoid an injury caused by unexpected...
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5 steps you can take today to avoid hip replacement surgery

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There’s no doubt that every one of us hopes that we can still move our hips like Elvis as we become older. The reality is that with an ageing population and a national passion for high-demand sports...
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What sports have a higher risk of an ACL injury?

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While an ACL tear is no longer a career-ending injury, weekend and professional athletes alike still cringe at the words.Research, training and medical technology advances have come a long way in redu...
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What are the risks of delaying a hip replacement?

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If your doctor has recommended that you have a hip replacement, the decision around when ultimately comes down to you. With the availability of new robotic-assisted technology, streamlined surgical pr...
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How do I know if I've torn my ACL?

how to know if ive torn ACL
An ACL tear is a common injury, particularly for those who play competitive and demanding sports. No matter whether you are a weekend or a professional athlete, the adrenaline of the game and your per...
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How can I avoid re-tearing my ACL after surgery?

avoid re tearing blog
If you’ve torn your ACL, you’re probably very aware of the surgery and the long 6-12 month rehabilitation program required to get you back into the game again.There’s no doubt that after your lo...
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5 tips on making a faster recovery from an ACL reconstruction

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There’s no quick fix approach to recovering from an ACL or knee reconstruction. Your new ACL needs time to heal so it can return stability and strength to your knee.While it will take you a while to...
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How long does it take to recover from ACL surgery?

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Many weekend and professional athletes are eager to get back in the game following an ACL or knee reconstruction. However, it’s important that you give your knee time to recover, stabilise and heal...
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How does a knee reconstruction work for an ACL injury?

An ACL tear will not heal without surgery. While the swelling and pain will likely ease on their own, surgery will restore the function you previously enjoyed to your knee so you can get back to doing...
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What's the best way to treat an ACL injury?

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Have you injured your ACL and are now wondering if this means game over for the sports and activities you love?We’ve got good news - while the ACL ligament won’t repair itself, there are treatment...
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Confessions of a carer: 5 things you need to know about caregiving

Most people will at some point in their lives provide care to a family member or friend, whether it be for an aging parent or for someone who is recovering from surgery, such as for a hip or knee repl...
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I’ve injured my ACL – do I need surgery?

ACL injury
An ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear or partial tear is a common sports or work injury. In fact, you’ve probably heard of professional athletes undergoing a knee reconstruction for an ACL injury...
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Could caring for a loved one add years to your life?

On the quest for a longer, healthier life, people often spend years trying to crack the perfect diet and exercise regime and tap into the latest medical innovations. However, a study published in the...
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3 ways to prepare yourself for caregiving

3 ways to prepare for caregiving
So, you are ready and eager to be the caregiver for your loved one while they recover from a knee or hip replacement. Fantastic; your loved one is very lucky to have you.While you may think that prepa...
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5 tips on mastering the art of caregiving

Caring for someone who is recovering from a knee or hip replacement is rewarding, but it can also be challenging at times even though it is only for a short period. It is not uncommon to feel overwhel...
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Caring for the carer - here’s where to find help if you need it

Your role as a carer is vital. However, providing physical and emotional support to someone who has recently undergone a knee or hip replacement can be demanding at times. Fortunately your loved one w...
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Caring for the carer: 4 things that will make caring for your partner easier

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Caring for your partner after she/he has had knee or hip replacement surgery is one of the most rewarding things you can do. However, it can also be challenging at times.Here are four things that will...
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3 tips on caring for someone after knee replacement surgery

Helping a loved one through recovery from knee replacement surgery is a generous and rewarding experience and one that the patient will appreciate immensely.The recovery process can be tiring and pain...
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My parent needs a hip replacement: common questions answered

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Is your parent getting ready to undergo hip replacement surgery to help ease hip pain and improve their quality of life?Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about caring for mum or dad th...
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How to take care of your emotions before and after knee or hip replacement surgery

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Knee or hip replacement surgery will help reduce pain and give you a new lease on life. While the surgery will help you feel better, you may find yourself feeling nervous, fatigued or experiencing oth...
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Can I have a hip and knee replacement at the same time?

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The short answer is no. If you have experienced injury or have arthritis in both your knee and hip, your doctor might recommend that you have both joints replaced but they are not usually done at the...
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What are the options available now for hip replacements?

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Hip pain can be very difficult to deal with every day. If you are experiencing pain in your hip joint, you’re probably wondering what options are available to help you become pain-free.With improvem...
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Is Hip replacement right for you?

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If you are experiencing pain and discomfort in one or both of your hips, you might be considering hip replacement surgery. You are not alone; there are a growing number of people undergoing hip replac...
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Am I too young for a hip replacement?

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People today are living longer than ever. The bad news is that our joints, particularly our hips, haven’t been able to keep up with the wear and tear of ageing as well as the strain from obesity and...
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What activities can I do after hip replacement surgery?

Dr. Mac Blog
Pain in your hip can limit your movement and the activities you can participate in comfortably.Hip replacement surgery can get you back to living the lifestyle you desire, pain-free. In fact, most peo...
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Double hip replacement surgery vs single hip replacement surgery – what’s right for me?

Double hip
If the pain in both your hips is hindering you from doing the things you love, you might be recommended to undergo surgery to have both hip bones replaced.There are two options to consider when it com...
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5 things you probably don’t know about getting a knee replacement

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Do you have knee pain? You are not alone. Knee pain, joint damage and arthritis in the knee are becoming more and more common.If your pain becomes severe and is holding you back from doing the things...
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What does life look like after a hip replacement?

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With robotic-assisted surgery increasing the accuracy of hip replacements, you can expect your life to be a lot like it was before surgery, without the pain.Your hip should return to its full range of...
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Am I too young for a hip or knee replacement?

Fotolia 127946372 S 2
nee and hip replacement surgery is transforming orthopaedics and has helped patients, young and old, to live pain-free.While the need for hip or knee replacement surgery is often associated with age,...
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5 things you probably don’t know about getting a hip replacement

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If you have severe pain or joint damage in your hip that is holding you back from doing the things you love, hip replacement surgery might be your best option.Here are five things you probably didn’...
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Can anyone have Stryker Mako robotic-assisted surgery?

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Knee and hip surgery has come a long way.  Today, orthopaedic surgeons are able to use a Mako robotic arm or conventional open surgery to position an artificial joint replacement in a hip or knee.Bot...
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What are the benefits of using robots during hip and knee replacement surgery?

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Technology has allowed surgeons to take an evolutionary leap forward in the way they perform hip and knee replacement surgery.Robotic-assisted surgery helps people experiencing knee or hip arthritis t...
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How to calm your nerves before robotic assisted knee or hip surgery

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It’s completely normal to feel nervous about your upcoming robotic assisted knee or hip replacement surgery.Although your surgeon performs Mako surgery or robotic-assisted surgery regularly and has...
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How quickly will my knee recover after knee replacement surgery?

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Knee replacement surgery for your knee pain can get you back to living the lifestyle you enjoy, pain-free. However, returning to your everyday activities will take time.Being an active participant in...
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Why does knee dislocation occur and how do you fix it?

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The knee is the largest joint in the human body and one that we give very little thought to until something goes wrong. It is also one of the more complex joints in the body.One of the common injuries...
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How does robotic-assisted surgery work for knee and hip replacements?

How does robotic assisted surgery work for knee and hip replacements
Knee and hip replacement technology has come a long way.One of the more recent innovative and highly successful technologies for hip and knee replacement is using robotic assistance for surgery.Roboti...
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5 ways to prepare for recovery from knee replacement surgery

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During your recovery at home after a partial, double or single knee replacement, you will need to be careful with your treated knee/s by avoiding any movements that place stress on it or them.These fi...
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Double knee surgery versus single knee surgery – which is best for me?

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If knee pain or problems in both your knees is interfering with your wellbeing and participation in the activities you love, you might be recommended to undergo surgery for the replacement of both kne...
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New study shows more time walking means less time in hospital

Walking on the beach
Article, courtesy of The Conversation, February 20, 2017 6.10am AEDTIn my practice as a GP, I have been impressed by a few energetic and active 80 year olds who remain in good health while many their...
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Why partial knee replacement surgery might be best for you

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Surgery for your knee arthritis and pain doesn’t always require a total knee replacement.Knees do not necessarily wear out evenly. Sometimes the worn or arthritis-affected area that is causing your...
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Finally! Robotic assistance during total hip replacement surgery in Newcastle

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Robotic assistance for surgery is a relatively new technology for assisting surgeons achieve increased accuracy in complex surgical procedures. Robotic assisted surgery for artificial joint replacemen...
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How to prepare your home for when you come back from knee replacement surgery

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Are you worried about how you’ll cope when you return home from knee replacement surgery?Recovery from knee surgery can be less stressful than you think. With some adjustments around your home, you...
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6 questions to ask your doctor about your knee problems

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Knee problems are very common and can occur in people of all ages.No matter your age, caring for your knee joints is fundamental to living a healthy, happy and active life.If you have nagging knee pai...
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